Health innovation driven by physicians and nurses: A participatory design approach in hospital

By Sylvie Grosjean, Luc Bonneville, Philippe Marrast

The objective of this article is to explore how healthcare professionals contribute to the design of health technology and to identify the elements that underline the relevance of a participatory design approach in this context. To this end, we present a health technology design project involving physicians and nurses to help them manage information, communication and cognitive overload at the hospital. We propose in this article a reflexive discussion on this participatory design approach in healthcare setting. To do this, we will examine the engagement of healthcare professionals in the analysis of their clinical activity and their informational practices, and their contribution to the design of health technology supported by a Machine Learning. JEL Codes: Y800, I190

  • Information Overload
  • Health Technology
  • Hospital
  • Participatory Design
  • Machine Learning
  • Artificial Intelligence
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