Bisociation between Corporate Social Responsibility and Mission-Based Company to Cultivate the Political Dimension of the Firm: The MAIF Case Study

By Philippe Schäfer, Thibault Cuénoud, Vincent Helfrich

This research uses Arthur Koestler’s bisociation model in creativity management, in order to understand how a company can become political dimension by capitalizing on its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach coupled with the institutionalization of the transition to a mission-driven company. Koestler’s model allows us to restore the prior incubation work, the act of bisociation between CSR and mission, but also its overcoming through the development of a business model that is committed to society. This qualitative research explores the MAIF case through the analysis of semi-structured interviews and internal/external documents. The study allows us to understand the complementarity between CSR and mission-driven society, as well as their respective incompleteness: instrumentalization of CSR on the one hand and purpose washing on the other.

JEL Codes: O31, O39, G34