Government innovation as a driver for the modernization of public Algerian administration

By Yasmine Mohammed Azizi, Omar Hemissi

Government innovation constitutes a privileged solution for solving the problems encountered by the public sector in view of its modernization. This article focuses on innovation as a driver of sustainable modernization in public organizations, precisely with regard of the experience of setting up a platform for collaboration and government participation in Quebec, which seems to bring together the necessary prerequisites, tools and mechanisms for its application in the Algerian public sector. On the basis of a qualitative approach and by means of a processual analysis, the study shows, through the case of the Algerian public organization, that this innovation regroups the instruments and mechanisms allowing its integration as a driver for modernizing the administration of an emerging country. JEL Codes: H83, O30, O31, O32, O33, O38

  • Public Innovation
  • Open Innovation
  • Technological Innovation
  • Administrative Modernization
  • Government Platform
  • Données Québec
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