Environmental Technology Innovations in SMEs: An Analytical Model

By Leila Temri

If small companies seem currently less sensitive than large ones to the challenges of sustainable development, they could (given their number) be an important factor in expanding such practices, particularly in the environmental field. More and more tools and specific approaches are offered to them. In addition, new technologies, known as "clean technologies" or "eco-technologies", are adapted to small companies. This paper is presenting an analytical model of "eco-technological" innovations in small companies. Taking into account the sustainable development characteristics, is it possible to view the incorporation of "eco-technologies" by small companies as a traditional innovation process? This analysis is based on a review of the theoretical and empirical literature about the small companies’ CSR, specifically by developing environmental approaches, and on various researches relating to technological innovation in small companies. A model integrating all the dimensions identified from these approaches is then proposed. JEL Codes: M14, L21, 047, Q


  • Innovation
  • SME
  • eco-technology
  • CSR
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